Friday, February 28, 2014
Well, we couldn't have said it better ourselves! Arche is a gateway to myriad of design options. Sophisticated curves to playful "scales" of the elusive Mermaid.
To learn more about BonTon designs visit us On-line or on Facebook.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
It's all about TEXTure

Sunday, December 19, 2010
Introducing "Tile Couture" by BonTon

Friday, March 5, 2010

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
When in doubt....Diversify

BonTon Designs continues to push the creative envelope by diversifying. Our new product line, “Complements by BonTon”, brings a new look to the kitchen & bath accessories market. The line has been created due to the demand of clients looking for something different. Sure, it is easy enough to go out and find a good selection of draw/cabinet pulls, switch plate covers and soap dishes, but how cool is it to have one (or several) that are designed to match.
Case and point. A recent client is doing an extensive bathroom renovation and doesn’t want to accessorize with the same old thing. They ask us for ideas and the idea is born. The custom “Rosie” soap dish we designed was such a big hit it led to a matching corner shelf too! Why stop there? To round out the line custom light switch plate covers, drawer pulls and even a toe rest (to shave your legs in the shower) have been designed.
The cherry on top is the added value to the sale. Mary, the owner of BonTon, says “you can easily add $400 to $900 to a sale by simply adding a few accessories”. “Once the client is committed, they are very open to adding to overall project, and at that point what is a few hundred more dollars”.
In these times give new things a try. Sure, we must stick to those things that made us successful in the first place but remember variety is the spice of life!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Fashionable Tile...The BonTon Way!
It is not often that ceramic tile is mentioned in the same sentence as a fashion item. The design guru’s at BonTon Designs LLC somehow found a way to make this happen. BonTon Handbags are the latest creation that brings fashion sense to the tile industry. “I love fashion and tile” said Mary Anderson, owner and founder of BonTon Designs Handmade Tile, “I just needed an outlet to bring the two together. Handbags seemed like a natural”.
These beautiful handbags are ALL handmade with ceramic tile from BonTon Designs. They are hip, cool and functional too! They come in a variety of shapes and any of BonTon’s 30+ glaze options. No matter what your style, BonTon has a handbag for you.
The word is getting around. Surfaces, the #1 floor covering event where thousands of industry professionals have the opportunity to see the newest and most innovative products in the flooring industry, will be featuring BonTon Handbags prominently. The show, February 2-4 2010 in Las Vegas, will be using BonTon Handbags as key part of their marketing campaign for the show. To see more about Surfaces visit
To learn more about BonTon Designs visit You may also see us on Facebook at
Contact BonTon at or 612.201.0563 to get more information, or to custom order your handbag today.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Making it in today's economy
Hello BonTon Bloggers,
What does it take to make it in today’s economy? After all, so many large, international companies have either closed down or scaled back. So how does your typical tile manufacture/showroom/distributor make it?
One thing we have going for us at BonTon is that we have partner showrooms in many of the major markets in the U.S. This gives us an opportunity to see what’s happening in different geographical areas and emerging trends. While we understand what sells in Manhattan may not be the same thing that moves in South Texas, we can identify trends and what’s working.
So what is working out there? Let me throw out a few ideas.
Tile Stimulus Program: Home Carpet One- Chicago IL- This showroom partner, owned and operated by Joel Schreier (, had a big sale this weekend offering a nice discount for one day only. The BonTon hot line was ringing and sales were made. Moral: create excitement; give your customers a reason to buy NOW!
Social Marketing: I know, for most of us on the “other” side of 40 this may be an uncomfortable topic. However, the progressive showroom partners out there are embracing this medium. When you consider the cost involved with spreading you companies name to an almost unlimited consumer base…..well it’s fantastic. So many of these sites are FREE and very easy to navigate. Facebook, LinkedIn, Blogger, Word Press are just a few to choose from. Why pick just one? Several social marketing outlets really maximize your exposure on the web.
Make Some Lemonade: Okay, so you’re not all that busy right now. If you’re in it for the long-haul it may be time to make some lemonade. We have heard from showrooms from coast to coast about “special projects” in the works while traffic is slow. It makes sense. Why not take this time to improve the look and feel of your showroom, or clean out old (and many times out dated) displays and samples. These changes don’t have to be expensive. Here are a few ideas.
Paint – no cheaper way to instantly change the look and feel of your showroom.
Weeding: Take a look at your least profitable lines, it could be time to give them the boot. Weeding out the dogs will also give your showroom a cleaner look and direct more attention to your profitable lines.
Refresh – With fall approaching and the housing market improving, now may be the time to introduce your customers to a few new lines. Negotiate with these prospective new vendors. Create a win-win agreement, after all they want exposure you want some new looks! Just try to find lines that are not down the street because as we all know your showroom must be unique.
Back to School: Having a professional well-trained sales team makes a HUGE difference. Now is the time to invest in your employees and it doesn’t have to cost much. Many vendors will hold product training with you staff at no charge. In addition training re-invigorates sales people and many times opens their eyes to new opportunities in your showroom.
Be Creative: Let’s be honest, the old boring “Labor Day Sale” or “Fall Blow-out” sales are as clichéd as the blow-up dinosaurs on the local car dealership. Use buzz words from current events like “Tile Stimulus Program” or “Remodeling Bail-Out”. Consumers identify with these slogans and they’re fun. Potential customers are bombarded with advertisements on TV, Radio, Print and web. The best way to capture their attention is to get out side that BOX. Try something fun and new. Who knows you might attract a few sales?
These are only a few ideas for you and I am sure there are dozens more. We would love to hear from you about other fun and creative ways to jump start business in this economy.
Hope to hear from you soon, and be kind to your tile!
Kurt Anderson
BonTon Designs LLC